Tropical Storm Nate Updated (10/6 6:00p)
10/06/2017 06:38 PM
Terrebonne Parish is currently under a Tropical Storm Warning and a Storm Surge Warning.
The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Nate. A declaration of emergency for the Parish was signed this yesterday by Parish President Gordon Dove. All Parish Departments are currently beginning preparations for a tropical system to impact Terrebonne Parish to ensure the safety, health, and welfare needs of the citizens and property of Terrebonne Parish.
As per the current National Hurricane Center forecast, we are asking all residents to begin preparations for tropical storm force or Category 1 hurricane strength winds to impact Terrebonne Parish. All preparations should be completed by Saturday afternoon as the Parish could experience tropical storm forces winds at early to late Saturday evening.
A decision to call an evacuation order for the areas outside of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District Morganza to the Gulf levee system and low-lying areas of Terrebonne Parish will decided by 6AM Saturday morning. In the event an evacuation order is issued, the Parish will provide shelter for those residents that are in need of a shelter.
The Terrebonne Parish Public Works Division will provide sand and sandbags at the following locations:
- Adult Softball Complex on Airbase
- Cannata’s West
- Knights of Columbus Hall in Pointe-aux-Chenes
- Upper Dularge Fire Station
- Bayou Black Fire Station
- Ward 7 in Chauvin
- West Terrebonne East Fire Station
- West Terrebonne Central Fire Station
- Bobtown Volunteer Fire Station
- Mechanicville Gym
- St. Ann Church in Bourg
- Devon Keller Memorial Center
- Village East Fire Department
The Terrebonne Parish Public Works Department will be offering up to (30) filled sandbags per TERREBONNE PARISH RESIDENT at the Public Works Yard (near Shannon Hardware) located at 1860 Grand Caillou Road and at the Houma- Terrebonne Civic Center off of Civic Center Blvd in Houma, La., tomorrow, Saturday, October 7th from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
The Terrebonne Parish Registrar of Voters office will be open from 8:30AM to 6PM for those who wish early vote for the upcoming statewide and lcoal elections.
Decision on closing Terrebonne Parish Public Schools for Monday, October 9th will be determined on Sunday, October 8th after an assessment of the school system is complete.
All floodgates for the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District have been closed except for the Bubba Dove Houma Navigation Canal floodgate. Plans to begin closing the Bubba Dove Houma Navigation Canal will begin Saturday Morning at 6AM. Please continue to monitor the TLCD website at for up-to-date information on floodgate operations.
Residents should continue to stay informed through local news media, the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government website (, and the Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security website (, Facebook page ( and Twitter page (@TOHSEP) to obtain the latest information available.
October 6, 2017 1800 Hrs
Earl J. Eues, Jr., Director
Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness