Terrebonne Parish Debris Removal Guidelines
08/31/2012 08:28 AM
Terrebonne Parish Debris Removal Guidelines Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government officials activated debris removal from the Parish rights-of-way (ROW) on Thursday August 30, 2012 emergency debris removal services to remove debris from public rights-of-way are being provided by Phillips and Jordan under the pre-position contract with TPCG. In order to expedite the clean-up and recovery process, TPCG and its debris management contractors are asking for the full support of all parish residents. The following guidelines are provided to ensure the most efficient and effective removal of storm-generated debris: All debris must be brought to the curb; debris removal crews CANNOT enter onto private property; Do NOT place materials in the street where they could impede and endanger the flow of traffic; In order to avoid possible damage, do NOT stack debris on or adjacent to water meters, fire hydrants, power or cable boxes, or mail boxes; TPCG contractors will be making multiple passes/pick ups so there will be ample opportunity to have all of your storm debris collected; there is no need to haul your debris away yourself; Only storm generated debris will be collected; You must sort your storm related debris into separate piles for each of the following categories: o Green Debris (tree limbs, branches, logs, etc.) o Construction and Demolition Debris (carpet, padding, insulation, furniture, wood fencing, sheetrock, flooring, etc.) o Household Hazardous Waste (paints, solvents, chemicals, cleaners, television sets, gas, fuel, etc.) o White Goods (refrigerators, stoves, large appliances, etc.) NOTE: Residents should not bag storm debris; contractor will pick up small piles in the row In order to avoid contaminating other debris streams it is VERY IMPORTANT that household hazardous waste be kept separate from regular household garbage and storm debris. # # #