Cease and Desist on Outdoor Burning!
05/31/2011 01:54 PM
Due to the extremely dry conditions throughout the state, the State Fire Marshal H. Butch Browning and Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain have issued a cease and desist order for all private burning, pursuant to authority under R.S. 40:1563. Private burning shall only be allowed by permission of the local fire department or local government. This order is effective as of 0900 Hours, June 1, 2011, and shall remain in effect until rescinded. This ban shall not apply to prescribed burns by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, by those trained and certified by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, or by those who conduct prescribed burning as a “generally accepted agriculture practice†as defined by the Louisiana Right to Farm Law (R.S. 3:3601 et seq.). Violation of this order could result in civil penalties. ---------------------------------------------- Office of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal 8181 Independence Blvd. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.lasfm.org CEASE AND DESIST ON OUTDOOR BURNING - - - END END END - - -