Flood Protection Efforts in Gibson
05/19/2011 01:05 PM
PHOTO RELEASE: Flood Protection Efforts in Gibson, Sinkable Barge Project in St. Mary Parish BATON ROUGE, La. -- Photos released from Louisiana today show Governor Bobby Jindal surveying the construction of Tiger Dams for flood protection in Gibson and continued progress on construction of a barge project in Bayou Chene. Governor Jindal met with local leaders in Terrebonne parish and saw the construction of Tiger Dams by the Louisiana National Guard. The Bayou Chene barge project uses a sinkable barge designed to help prevent backwater flooding. Louisiana's Joint Information Center is placing photos from the response to the floods in Louisiana online using the photo sharing site Flickr. These photos are courtesy of the State of Louisiana. To see today's photos, click here: http://bit.ly/jowNm0 For emergency updates from the State of Louisiana, visit emergency.louisiana.gov or follow along on Twitter at @GOHSEP and Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/gohsep. ###