State filing extensions available to taxpayers
05/18/2011 08:12 AM
State filing extensions available to taxpayers affected by 2011 spring flood BATON ROUGE, La. - Louisiana taxpayers in areas of the state affected by the 2011 spring flood are eligible for extensions to file and pay state taxes, the Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR) announced Monday. LDR will grant a 30-day filing extension for tax returns due May 15-31 on a case-by-case basis for taxpayers who: evacuated as the result of a mandatory order; engaged in preventative flood protection measures for homes or property located in an area projected to flood as a result of the opening of a spillway; or suffered damage to a home or property as a result of flooding on a date in which a return was due. Taxpayers filing electronic returns should fax spring flood-related extension requests to 225-923-4069. Faxed requests should bear the title "2011 Flood Impact;" include the name and address of the residence or business; the type of tax; and the account number, along with a description of flood-related effects and reasons supporting the taxpayer's inability to file a return by the deadline. Paper-filed returns requesting spring flood extensions should be written in blue or black ink and have "2011 Flood Impact" written at the top of the return on page 1. For more information, call 225-219-0102 for individual income taxes and 225-219-7462 for business taxes. For emergency updates from the State of Louisiana, visit or follow along on Twitter at @GOHSEP and Facebook at ###