Reminders from FEMA on Appropriate Spending of FEMA Grants

12/09/2021 08:07 AM

FEMA wants to remind you that federal grant money may only be used for disaster-related expenses.

If only takes FEMA a few days to deposit money after your application is complete. Be on the lookout for the deposit in the provided account (it may not say the word FEMA). You will also receive a letter/email stating the amount to be received and spending stipulations. 

Remember, disaster grants are not for regular living expenses. Some examples of allowed expenses are:

  • Home repairs (e.g. structure, water, septic, and sewage systems)
  • Rental assistance for rent and/or deposit
  • Repair or replacement of an essential vehicle
  • Medical or dental care for an uninsured injury caused by the disaster
  • Necessary educational materials (e.g. computers, schoolbooks, supplies)
  • Moving and storage expenses related to the disaster
  • Replacement of essential personal property such as appliances or a bed from an occupied bedroom
  • Increased childcare expenses

Read your determination letter carefully. Keep receipts for all expenses for at least three years. All funding is subject to review. Spending disaster funding on anything other than its intended purpose may cause you to be denied assistance in the future. In some cases, FEMA will ask that the money be returned.

Be sure FEMA has your most up-to-date contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, and bank accounts. If FEMA does not have the correct contact information, survivors may miss letters or phone calls about their application for assistance or payment status.
