BP Press Release for June 17, 2010
06/18/2010 07:40 AM
Terrebonne Parish Information 1) Coast Guard representatives in Cocodrie reported: • A large percentage of the protection boom currently in place are in offshore positions and are currently boomed with either 18 or 20 inch harbor boom meant for protected waters. This is hampering both the ability to maintain proper protection/placement of the boom and is a resource drain to re-set the majority of all booms on a daily basis. • Total personnel in Cocodrie: 704 • National Incident Commander reports that the daily average oil recovery is estimated at 15,000 barrels per day. • Heat continues to be an issue with over 105 degree heat index. Recently, there have been 7 to 10 heat-related illness incidents per day in Cocodrie. • Drilling Rig DDIII relief well was 42-47 days into the 100 day well plan and was on track. BP planned to set the DDIII casing tonight. Drilling Rig DDII was drilling forward to its next casing point in the next 48 hours. • Cleanup crews have picked up 64 barrels of oily water, 60 yards of trash and 50 yards of oiled debris in the last 24 hours out of Cocodrie. • The offloading ship Q4000 is on site at the well being calibrated for optimal efficiency. Boats/Vessels • Vacuum Barges are in Empire for inspection by the Coast Guard. Governor Jindal will be in Empire to observe the Vacuum Barges. • Deployment of Skimmers: 5 total: 1 between Wine and Trinity. 1 between Wine and Timbalier. 3 in Lake Barre and Terrebonne Bay. • Assessment Team observed 2 large barges that included a crane, living quarters, 4-wheelers, various equipment, and containment boom on the North Bay side of Trinity Bayou. • It was reported from Pass Barre that there were 2 skimmers and 1 safety boat on site. • 139 boats on site assisting with cleanup in Cocodrie. Assignments: Surveillance: 2 Decontamination: 3 Task Forces 1-3: 108 Recovery: 26 139 Total • Assessment team observed 4 boats doing boom maintenance on Raccoon Island. Boom •Boom Inventory: A) Boom ≤ 35 inches: 1) Deployed Today: 4,838’ 2) Total Deployed: 120,020’ B) Boom ≥ 35 inches: 1) Deployed Today: 0 2) Total Deployed: 63,536’ C) Sorbent 1) Deployed Today: 2,280’ 2) Total Deployed: 95,891’ • Boom Maintenance continues to make up the majority of the operations being conducted out of Cocodrie. • Boom maintenance is being conducted at all sites in Terrebonne Parish, with an emphasis on our barrier islands. • 40 Shrimp Boats were observed on standby in Cat Island Pass carrying containment boom. • 14 Shrimp Boats were observed on standby in Little Pass carrying containment boom. • Assessment Team observed a shrimp boat with containment boom staged near the pass at Wine Island. Also, 6 work boats and 2 small boats were observed on Wine Island doing containment boom maintenance and repair. Additionally, there was a Coast Guard buoy tender. • Assessment Team observed 5 boats doing boom maintenance and re-deploying 48 inch USCG boom on Raccoon Island. • Assessment Team reported from Brush Island that there was 1 skimmer, 2 safety boats, and 5 shrimp boats with containment boom. • It was reported that there were boom crews, consisting of 9 work boats and 2 safety boats, on standby at Bay Barbue. It appeared that they had been conducting boom maintenance previously. Cleanup Progress • Continued beach reconnaissance and manual recovery of discovered oil. • Clean up continues onshore. • It was reported from the gulf side of Timbalier Island, approximately ½ mile west of 19 Channel, that there was a work boat parked in the washout in the island with sheet metal, a pier, and a backhoe on it. There were 7 pilings down. It appeared that a curtain wall was planned to be built across the washout. • It was reported from Timbalier Island that the beach was clean. New sediment had covered up both the new and old oil on the beach. 2) Oil impact reports: • Reported from Cat Island that no visible oil and no sheen were observed. • No fresh oil was observed on the Gulf side of Raccoon Point. However, 6 dead birds, including 2 pelicans and 4 gulls were found dead. None of the birds appeared to have any oil impact. They all appeared to have been recently deceased. • No visible oil and no visible sheen were observed on Whiskey Pass. The Assessment Team observed 4 boats with approximately 7 or 8 personnel planting grass at Whiskey Island. Also, 4 shrimp boats were on standby in Whiskey Pass carrying containment boom. • No visible oil and no visible sheen were observed out of Little Pass. 3) Vessels of Opportunity Program: • Anyone interested in applying to becoming a Vessels of Opportunity (VOO) or crew member should call 281-366-5511. • The BP Annex (located at 5703 Hwy. 56 in Chauvin) will host Vessels of Opportunity (VOO) training sessions on Saturday, June 23, at 9am and 2pm. Helpful Information Training Opportunities for Deck Hands and Beach Clean-up Workers Local training sessions have been scheduled for residents interested in becoming employed for the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Residents interested in working on a beach clean-up crew or as a deck hand on a vessel responding to the spill can attend this free training. Training organizers on site will provide information on how to seek employment in these fields. Each location will feature two training sessions per day with the morning training at 9:00 A.M. and the afternoon training beginning at 2:00 P.M. The training location schedule is as follows: The Grand Isle Community Center (located at 3811 Hwy. 1 in Grand Isle) will host training sessions on Saturday June 19.