Utilities (Power & Water) Update from TPCG, Entergy, SLECA, and Consolidated Waterworks
09/08/2021 09:45 AM
Good News! Power is coming on line in Terrebonne Parish. Electricity has been restored to the Oakshire neighborhood of the parish and more is expected to follow soon. Thank you, SLECA!
Power has been restored to the Schriever Water Plant which means that personnel there can begin water testing. If the water meets stringent standards, the boil water order may be lifted soon. In the meantime, continue to boil water for drinking until further notice.
TPCG Utilities is waiting on a transmission line from Entergy so that those on the Houma system can begin to receive power. In the meantime, TPCG utility crews are working on substations and distribution lines.
Water service is moving further down into the bayou communities of Terrebonne Parish, but progress has been slow because of leaks which must be repaired. Crews are working diligently to fix these leaks and improve water service.