Training Opportunities- Deck Hands and Beach Cleanup Workers
06/10/2010 10:19 AM
Local training sessions have been scheduled for residents interested in becoming employed for the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Residents interested in working on a beach clean-up crew or as a deck hand on a vessel responding to the spill can attend this free training. Training organizers on site will provide information on how to seek employment in these fields. Each location will feature two training sessions per day with the morning training at 9:00 A.M. and the afternoon training beginning at 2:00 P.M. The training location schedule is as follows:
- The Larose VFW Hall (located at 2322 VFW Ave., just off West 23rd St. in Larose) will host training sessions on Tuesday, June 8, and Tuesday, June 15.
- The BP Annex (located at 5703 Hwy. 56 in Chauvin) will host training sessions on Wednesday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 16.
- The Grand Isle Community Center (located at 3811 Hwy. 1 in Grand Isle) will host training sessions on Saturday, June 12, and Saturday June 19.