A Message to Section 8 Tenants and Landlords in Terrebonne Parish
09/07/2021 08:50 AM
To all Terrebonne Parish Section 8 Tenants & Landlords:
With our community being heavily affected by Hurricane Ida, our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We are aware that many Section 8 residents have received extreme damage to their rental units. Any current participant or landlord should email kowens@tpcg.org with the tenant's name, phone number, unit address and condition of home as soon as possible. Please also include if the home is habitable or if the family is displaced.
Any Terrebonne Parish residents still in need of shelter can go to the Houma Municipal Auditorium to register for evacuation shelters outside of the parish. Once at the Municipal Auditorium, you will be tested for COVID, then bussed to the next shelter with available space. You can also drive your personal vehicle to the next shelter after you complete the registration process.
We are currently waiting for guidance from HUD to establish the portability process for any Section 8 recipient wanting to permanently transfer to other areas if your home is uninhabitable.
Stay Safe Terrebonne Parish!