BP Press Release for June 9, 2010
06/09/2010 03:49 PM
Terrebonne Parish Information 1)Â Coast Guard representatives in Cocodrie reported:
- Personnel in Cocodrie are conducting boom maintenance and waterside surveillance for offshore and shoreline impact of oil.
- 42-inch VOSS sea boom is being deployed in sections where previously deployed boom has been ineffective and/or misplaced.
- Total personnel in Cocodrie: 800
- Of the four vents, only one has been closed on the TOP HAT. There are no plans to close the other 3 vents until oil stops flowing from the bottom of the TOP HAT.
- National Incident Commander reports that the daily average oil recovery is estimated at 15,700 barrels per day.
- Offloading of oil production from the ENTERPRISE to the MASSACHUSETTS continues.
- Drill Rig DDII casing is set at 8,567 feet. Its well depth is 8,650 feet.  The Blowout Preventer is repaired and a complete diagnosis is underway with anticipation of drilling to resume today. Drilling is on day 12 of 104.
- Drill Rig DDIII casing is set at 12,057 feet with a well depth of 13,978 feet. Drilling is on day 37 of 104.
- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) report that their aircraft are providing flight advisory information to the spotter and tanker aircraft conducting spraying of aerial dispersant operations. Additional CBP aircraft are providing electro optical infrared video to track oil plume movement. CBP aircraft mission hours to date total 517.
- Deployment of Skimmers: 4 each in Terrebonne Bay and Barrataria Bay.
- 136 boats on site assisting with cleanup in Cocodrie.
               Assignments:                                Surveillance:                  2                                Decontamination:            3                                Task Forces 1-3:           105                                Recovery:                      26  136 Total
- Ongoing boom inventory in Cocodrie staging area.Â
- Latest boom numbers:               1) Hard Boom:                               a) Deployed 6/5/10:   4,779’                               b) Total Deployed:     187,686’                 2) Sorbent Boom:                               a) Deployed 6/5/10:   1,530’                               b) Total Deployed:     87,260’
- Reported from Wine Island that 9 boats were performing containment boom maintenance.
- Reported 12 boats, including USCG and anchor boats, that were deploying 48†deflection boom around the entire shoreline of Wine Island.
- Reported from the Gulf side of Trinity Island that all of the containment boom had broken free along the entire Gulf side of the island and had washed ashore.
- Reported from Whiskey Pass that containment boom from the western side of Trinity Island was floating in the Pass.
- Report of beached boom on the western tip of Raccoon Island.
- Continued beach reconnaissance and manual recovery of discovered oil.
- Reported penny to dime sized foam droplets at the water’s surface on the Bay side of West Timbalier Island. Droplets extended for more than 1 mile along the Bay side of West Timbalier Island, out to the break in the Houma Navigation Canal. Droplets reflected sunlight, but did not appear to be oily. No visible sheen or oil was observed.
- Observed no oil in Terrebonne Bay or Cat Island Pass.
- Assessment Team reported from the Gulf side of Timbalier Island that they observed historical
(previously oiled) oil-impacted vegetation approximately 30 feet on the shore, as well as tar balls and some mats up to approximately 5†in length. All of this oil was (previously oiled) historical oil. Some areas of the island had a high density of tar ball impact. - Reported from approximately 1 mile along the Gulf side of Little Pass that there was a slight sheen observed on the water’s surface, approximately 100 yards in length. Also, observed droplets of emulsified oil that were sparse with an occasional droplet measuring up to ¼†in diameter.
- Reported from Cat Island Pass of an emulsified oil line running through the Pass on the rip current, along with emulsified mousse, oil droplets, and Sargasso. Mousse line ran intermittently, approximately 25 yards long, with patches of nickel to penny sized droplets.
- Anyone interested in applying to becoming a Vessels of Opportunity (VOO) or crew member should call 281-366-5511
HOUMA, La. (June 9, 2010) ��" Representatives from BP, the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Wildlife and Fisheries, the Environmental Protection Agency and other state and partner agencies responding to the Deepwater Horizon incident, will host an Open House Expo Friday, June 11, 2010 in Terrebone Parish at the Houma Civic Center, 346 Civic Center Blvd. in Houma starting at 6 pm.
The Open House Expo will offer Terrebone residents the opportunity to engage one-on-one with experts about the techniques, strategies and materials being used in the spill response. “We want to keep the local communities informed with the most accurate and timely information we have,†said Coast Guard Capt. Roger Leferriere, commander at the Incident Command Post in Houma, La. “We want to communicate with the public and provide them with first-hand information on the topics that concern them most.†The Expo will feature experts and representatives from responding agencies who will answer questions and provide visual information on the various tools, equipment and strategies that are being used in the response, including booms, burns, sand berms, skimming and dispersants. Agencies will be available to address concerns about environmental quality, wildlife, safety and resources available to residents. Information will also be available on the Vessels of Opportunity (VOO) Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and volunteer and employment efforts. Claims representatives will be available for any questions or concerns residents might have on the claims process. For more information contact Lisa Burns at: (985) 209-8082  Training Opportunities for Deck Hands and Beach Clean-up Workers Local training sessions have been scheduled for residents interested in becoming employed for the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Residents interested in working on a beach clean-up crew or as a deck hand on a vessel responding to the spill can attend this free training. Training organizers on site will provide information on how to seek employment in these fields. Each location will feature two training sessions per day with the morning training at 9:00 A.M. and the afternoon training beginning at 2:00 P.M. The training location schedule is as follows: The Larose VFW Hall (located at 2322 VFW Ave., just off West 23rd St. in Larose) will host training sessions on Tuesday, June 8, and Tuesday, June 15. The BP Annex (located at 5703 Hwy. 56 in Chauvin) will host training sessions on Wednesday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 16. The Grand Isle Community Center (located at 3811 Hwy. 1 in Grand Isle) will host training sessions on Saturday, June 12, and Saturday June 19.