Residential Solid Waste and Debris Pick-up / Saturday, September 4
09/04/2021 08:01 AM
The TPCG Solid Waste Department began curbside pick-up of residential solid waste on Friday, September 3, 2021. This will continue until one pass is completed in west Houma at which time pick-up will begin in east Houma.
The department is working to secure a needed permit from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for the debris off-load site in Terrebonne Parish. The debris contractor has 30 trucks for this work and they will be certified by the debris monitoring contractor by Thursday, although some are currently certified and can begin work on Monday, September 6th if DEQ has issued a permit for the off-load site.
Residents are urged to separate green waste from building materials such as roof shingles, wood, etc. placed curbside to facilitate pick-up. The debris contractor will first pick up green waste such as tree limbs, tree trunks, etc. that have been placed curbside.
Any questions regarding Solid Waste issues can be forwarded to the Emergency Operations Center (while open) at 985-873-6357. Ask for ESF-12.