BP Press Release for June 3, 2010
06/04/2010 07:45 AM
Terrebonne Parish information 1)Â Coast Guard representatives in Cocodrie reported:
- The National Incident Commander reports the diamond saw, which became stuck was freed at 3:10 PM on June 2.Â
- BP engineers plan to cut away a 3 inch section of the 4 lines and reposition the shear ram to complete the riser cut.
- The cutting of the Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) will start when the shear ram is completed. When the LMRP is in place, it is expected to recover approximately 15,000 barrels of oil per day.
- Drill Rig DDIII is at a depth of 12,090 feet below the drill floor and is 7 days ahead of schedule.
- Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team confirms emulsified oil on Petit Bois Island, MS (approximately 1 meter wide and 2 miles long). Incident Command Post Mobile, AL is receiving reports of tar balls onshore at Pascagoula Beach, MS (5 tar balls on beach, with more washing ashore).
- The Department of the Interior reports 5 platforms evacuated and wells secured. There are reports of platform personnel experiencing eye irritation, headaches, and burning of the sinuses.
- NOAA extended the northern boundary of the closed fishing area, leaving 63% of Gulf federal waters available for fishing (88,522 square miles affected, to date).
- With coordination of Air Operations, conduct aerial surveillance over edge of marshlands and Terrebonne Bay for oil sighting and direction of on-water shallow water task force.
- Personnel are conducting waterside surveillance for offshore and shoreline impact of oil.
- There is ongoing surveillance of boom. Personnel are to report any required boom maintenance to situation desk.
- Terrebonne Surveillance Group is instructed to photograph any oil pockets not being worked by operations.
- There is ongoing wildlife reconnaissance.
- Terrebonne Community Response Group is working with the local tribal representatives to continue boom deployment and maintenance at Pointe Aux Chene in the Lake Chien area.
- Total personnel in Cocodrie: 877.
- Task Force 1 (Alpha): Mission is deployment and maintenance of protective booming at Chaland Bay and Lake Barre’.
- Task Force 2 (Bravo): Mission is deployment and maintenance of protective boom East and West of Chaland Bay.
- Task Force 3 (Charlie): Mission is to maintain protective booming at Lil’ Bird (no name for island), Trinity, Wine, Whiskey, Raccoon, and Felicity Islands.
- 9 skimmers (8 on cleanup in Terrebonne Bay and Belle Pass, 1 in Decontamination) remain in the field working the Cocodrie area.
- Deployment of Skimmers: 1 positioned between Wine Island and Trinity Island, 1 between Wine Island and Timbalier Island, 3 skimming designated routes in Lake Barre’ and Terrebonne Bay.
- 136 boats on site assisting with cleanup in Cocodrie Assignments: Surveillance: 2 Decontamination: 3 Task Forces 1-3: 105 Recovery: 26 136 Total 1 livable barge and tug now on Trinity Island under Global Marine to assist with beach/shoreline cleanup operations.
- 3 Jackup Rig task forces planned.
- Boom crew is now focusing on Tier 3 and Tier 4. Booming plans are nearly 40% complete.
- Crews ordered to wet store boom in Terrebonne Bayou at Placid Canal. Â
- Ongoing boom inventory in Cocodrie staging area.  Latest boom numbers:  1) Hard Boom:                a) Deployed 6/1/10:   2,021’                b) Total Deployed:      162,369’  2) Sorbent Boom:                a) Deployed 6/1/10:   2280’                b) Total Deployed:      83,900’
- Ongoing boom maintenance on Lil’ Bird (no name for island), Trinity, Wine, Whiskey, Raccoon, and Felicity Islands including repairing, replacing and re-anchoring of boomed areas.
- Replacing anchors with t-posts for booming along the shore area to prevent boom from being displaced.
- Report of 7 vessels picking up contaminated absorbent boom and redeploying absorbent boom in Bay Barbue.
- Large jack-up barge using deflection boom on Lake Chien and absorbent boom around Lake Felicity.
- Continued beach reconnaissance and manual recovery of discovered oil.
- Barge on station at Trinity Island for cleanup operations.
- Report of brownish-reddish weathered oil “mousse†approximately dime to quarter size in diameter for approximately 1 mile along the gulf side of Trinity Island.
- Report of impact approximately 6’ into the marsh along Bay Lefluer. It appeared to be an old impact from approximately 6 days ago.               Â