Storm Damage Assessment Begins in Houma-Terrebonne
08/30/2021 02:32 PM
With the passage of Hurricane Ida, parish officials have begun the process of assessing the damage caused by this devastating storm. Water is still high in the southern part of the parish outside of the Morganza levee system and many roads are blocked by trees, power poles, and debris blown by the storm, creating unsafe travel conditions. “Before we can begin the systematic process of letting residents and evacuees back into the parish, roads must be cleared and down power lines must be checked,” said Parish President Gordon Dove. Parish efforts are being coordinated with Terrebonne Parish Sheriff, Tim Soignet and other first responders.
The EOC in Terrebonne and social media are getting messages from residents and evacuees who want to know when they can return to Houma. No decision has been made on when this will happen. In addition to safety concerns and clear roadways, electricity (Entergy, SLECA, and City of Houma), and water service must be restored, along with the sewage system and functional communications before reentry will be allowed. When reentry is announced, it will be coordinated according to plan through fifteen (15) checkpoints manned by law enforcement personnel and Louisiana National Guard.
At this time, additional assets are staging near Terrebonne Parish to help with damage assessments and critical repairs and organized search and rescue efforts are also underway.
The TCU Food Bank is functional but service will be coordinated through the Terrebonne EOC so that strategic supplies are routed to necessary locations. There will be NO food distributed at the Food Bank until further notice. Distribution locations will posted through EOC and parish officials when it is safe to travel in the parish. TCU Food Bank is coordinating with several national organizations to bring in necessary food supplies into the parish at this time.
Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 is working to restore water service in Terrebonne Parish. Although the Schriever Water Plant has water to pump, distribution is hampered by broken water lines which personnel are working to find and repair. Also personnel are working to bring the Houma Water Plant to full operational status in order to more quickly restore full water service to the two hospitals in the parish. The boil water notice is still in effect for safety.
“We completely understand the desire of our residents to return to their homes and loved ones. We also want this to happen as soon as possible, but in a safe and orderly manner,” said Parish President Gordon Dove. “My Administration, our EOC and its Emergency Support personnel, Sheriff Tim Soignet, the Houma Police and Fire Departments and all first responders and service providers in the parish are working as quickly as possible to make this happen,” he added.