Hurricane Ida - Floodgate closures in Terrebonne Parish
08/28/2021 03:09 PM
For storm surge protection purposes, two floodgates were recently closed in Terrebonne Parish. These are the LA Hwy 665 (Bayou Pointe aux Chenes) floodgate and the LA Hwy 56 (Bayou Little Caillou) floodgate. The Hwy 665 floodgate is located near the end of this roadway in the lower Pointe aux Chenes community, and the LA 56 floodgate is approximately one-mile south of the LA 56/LA 57 intersection in lower Chauvin, LA .
Safety Reminder:
With the threat of severe weather and heavy rainfall expected to impact Terrebonne Parish as well as other areas of the state, motorists are reminded to take extra precautions should traveling become absolutely necessary. A parish-wide curfew will become effective in Terrebonne Parish at 6:00PM this evening (Saturday, August 28)
Additional Road Closure Information:
Call 511 or visit for additional information. Out-of-state travelers may call 1-800-ROAD-511 (1-800-762-3511). Motorists may also monitor the LA DOTD website at, by selecting MYDOTD, or by visiting the DOTD Facebook and Twitter pages.