Lifting of Mandatory Mask Mandate for TPCG Employees
04/28/2021 10:30 AM
On April 27, 2021, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards issued proclamation number 79 JBE 2021, to allow local businesses and local governments to decide on whether masks would be worn in local business establishments and local governmental offices. Based on Governor Edwards’ current proclamation, Parish President Gordon Dove will remove the mandatory mask mandate for all Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government employees within all Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government operated buildings and facilities, effective immediately.
A mandatory mask mandate will remain for all VISITORS to Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government operated buildings until further notice. All temperature checks for employees and visitors will cease at the Terrebonne Parish Government Tower and other TPCG departmental offices. The Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center, Dumas Auditorium, and the Houma Municipal Auditorium will follow the event venue requirements as listed on the Louisiana State Fire Marshall’s website.
All other local and state governmental offices and buildings, such as the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office, the 32nd Judicial Courts, the Terrebonne Clerk of Courts Office, etc., will have the authority whether or not to mandate mask wearing and temperature checks for employees or visitors. The Terrebonne Parish Council will also have the authority whether or not to mandate mask wearing and temperature checks of all persons attending Parish Council meetings. Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government employees are encouraged to voluntarily wear masks if they choose to do so.
Parish President Dove would like to thank all Parish residents for “doing their part” in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Terrebonne Parish during this pandemic and to remind residents that we are still in a pandemic. All residents should continue to follow social distancing guidelines and practice good handwashing and disinfecting practices until the pandemic is declared over by the federal government. Parish President Dove also encourages everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible to help prevent the spread of the virus.