Parish Continues Efforts in Response to BP Oil Spill
05/12/2010 04:30 PM
Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet participated Tuesday in meetings with Governor Bobby Jindal and the Terrebonne Legislative delegation in regards to the ongoing BP Horizon oil spill. During a joint press conference at the CoCo Marina in Cocodrie, both President Claudet and Governor Jindal renewed their call to the responsible party British Petroleum to step up its boom staging and other spill operations in the Parishes west of the Mississippi River. Governor Jindal, as well as Terrebonne Council Chair Arlanda Williams and Public Safety Director Ralph Mitchell, toured the Terrebonne Parish lower coast and barrier islands in National Guard helicopters. “We were very encouraged by the reports from the over flight,†stated President Claudet “as no visible oil was spotted near the Terrebonne Parish coast.†President Claudet also announced several services and programs that those affected by the spill may be eligible for. The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government has LIHEAP funds available to assist persons who are about to have utilities disconnected. They can call the Housing and Human Services Department for assistance at 985-873-6817 or to find out more information. Anyone who has been laid off or has suffered a reduction in weekly work hours may be qualified for assistance with delinquent mortgage payments or delinquent rental payments. Documentation of the need will be required along with financial data necessary to determine eligibility for assistance. Information regarding this program is available at 985-873-6817. The Department of Social Services has established a temporary Food Stamp intake location at the Chauvin Senior Citizen's Center. Starting today, it will be open from 8:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M., Monday - Friday until further notice. This is an extension office for regular Food Stamp applications. These are not Emergency Food Stamps. The Small Business Administration has announced the agency is making low-interest loans available to Louisiana Gulf Coast small businesses suffering financial losses following the April 20th Deepwater BP oil spill that shut down commercial and recreational fishing along the state’s southeast coast. They may obtain loan information and application forms by either calling SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the hearing impaired), e-mailing, or visiting SBA’s Web site at Regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are available to qualified individuals who lose their jobs because of the oil spill through the Louisiana Workforce Commission. The best way to file a regular UI claim is through the LWC website, Those without Internet access wishing to file a claim should call 866-783-5567. For people who do not qualify for regular unemployment insurance benefits, such as the self-employed, and whose jobs have been lost or interrupted by the oil spill, emergency assistance through Deepwater Horizon Response may be available. A toll-free hotline has been established by British Petroleum to discuss spill-related damage claims. The number is 800-440-0858. And finally, crisis intervention and counseling is available to those affected by the spill through the Terrebonne Mental Health Center. They can be contacted at 985-857-3615. Crisis counseling is also available through the Center for Child and Family Development at 985-873-7221 and Options for Independence at 985-876-8630. For updated and timely information on Terrebonne Parishes response to the oil spill, please visit the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government website at # # #