Terrebonne Parish Hurricane Delta Update
10/07/2020 05:18 PM
Due to the potential of 5-7 feet of storm surge outside of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District Morganza to the Gulf Levee System and the coastal areas of Terrebonne Parish by Hurricane Delta, Parish President Gordon Dove and Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet are calling for a MANDATORY EVACUATION of Zone 1 of Terrebonne Parish, effective at 3PM Thursday afternoon, October 8, 2020. Zone 1 includes:
a.) All areas south of the Pointe-aux-Chenes Floodgate
b.) All areas south of the Bayou Terrebonne Floodgate in Lower Montegut
c.) All of Isle de Jean Charles
d.) All areas south of the Bayou Petit Caillou Floodgate including Cocodrie
e.) All areas south of the Morganza to the Gulf levee road ramp on Four Point Road in lower Dulac
f.) All areas south of the Lower Dularge Floodgate
A VOLUNTARY EVACUATION of ONLY the Pointe-aux-Chenes area of Zone 2 effective at 3PM Thursday afternoon, October 8th. Residents can view their hurricane zones at tohsep.com.
Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet will enforce a curfew of all areas south of the Morganza to the Gulf levee system (Zone 1) beginning at 6PM Thursday till further notice.
All interests in the areas of evacuation are strongly urged to comply with this mandatory and voluntary evacuation order due the projected storm surge from Hurricane Delta.
The Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center located on Barrow Street/Civic Center Blvd in Houma will open as an evacuation shelter beginning at 3PM Thursday afternoon. Evacuees should bring sufficient food, water, bedding, baby formula, medicine and hygiene supplies to last 3 days.
If transportation to the Civic Center is required, please call (985) 873-6357 to arrange pick-up after 3PM on Thursday. Household pets brought to the Civic Center will be registered with the Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter and kept at the animal shelter until reunited with owners.
Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government Offices will close at Noon on Thursday, October 8th and remain closed all day Friday, October 9th.
The Good Earth Transit System will suspend services at Noon on Thursday through Friday, October 9th and weekend schedule will depend on storm situation.
Terrebonne Parish School System and Houma-Thibodaux Diocesan Schools will open on Thursday and a decision for Friday will be made during the day on Thursday.
Terrebonne Parish garbage collection will be conducted on Thursday and cancelled on Friday. Saturday collection will depend on storm conditions.
City court will be closed at Noon on Thursday through Friday.
32nd Judicial Court and the Terrebonne Parish Clerk of Court Office will be closed at Noon on Thursday through Friday.
The Regional Military Museum will close beginning at Noon on Thursday through Saturday, opening on Monday.
The Parish is continuing to monitor Hurricane Delta and its effects. Updates will be provided as needed.
“Given what we have already experienced so far and the lessons we have learned, Terrebonne Parish is prepared for Hurricane Delta,” stated Parish President Dove. “We will continue to monitor the situation throughout this event and inform the public of developments which impact the parish and provide critical information necessary to ensure public safety.”