TS Marco & TS Laura - TPCG Provides Update on Tropical Storms
08/22/2020 05:16 PM
Parish President Gordon Dove called an executive meeting today with TPSO Sheriff Tim Soignet, Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District Executive Director Reggie Dupre, and the Parish's Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director Earl Eues to discuss ongoing monitoring and storm preparedness throughout the Parish.
Sheriff Tim Soignet stated that the sheriff's office is very well prepared to handle rescue calls and any other complaints that get routed to the sheriff's office. TPSO's high water vehicles are ready if needed. The sheriff's office has also been assisting the Parish government with sandbagging operations.
TLCD Executive Director Reggie Dupre stated that all floodgates closure operations have been activated and the planned closure of the HNC Bubba Dove floodgate was set for approximately 5PM on Sunday. With the closure of the HNC Bubba Dove, all floodgates within the Parish would be closed.
Director Eues stated that due to the drastic changes in the forecast for TS Marco, Parish operations would speed up to meet the 1PM Monday landfall of forecasted Hurricane Marco near the mouth of the Mississippi River. Parish sand bagging operations will continue on Sunday at the specified sand bag locations.
Pre-filled sandbags for the elderly and disabled will be available Sunday, August 23, 2020 from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Public Works south campus located at 1860 Grand Caillou Road. Pre-filled sandbags will be limited to 20 bags per vehicle.
The Parish will announce any evacuation orders and shelter openings tomorrow after the 10AM forecast advisories from the National Hurricane Center.
The Parish Emergency Operations Center will open tomorrow morning at 8AM with full activation with 24hr operations at 6PM.
Residents are advised to monitor TS Marco and TS Laura very closely as the Louisiana coastline will experience two tropical system landfalls within 48 hrs of each other.
At the current time, the National Hurricane Center and the National Weather Service is predicting for storm surge flooding of 2-4 feet above the ground surface along the coastal areas of Terrebonne Parish for TS Marco. Storm surge predictions for TS Laura could possibly be 7-10 feet above the ground surface depending on the final landfall track of TS Laura. Residents outside of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District Morganza to the Gulf levee system should take immediate action to protect your property.
Parish President Gordon Dove advises that all residents of Terrebonne Parish should continue to monitor your local news sources and social media for up to date information.
Terrebonne Parish residents can text TPSTORM to 888-777 for the latest updates on TS Marco and TS Laura.