Phase 1 Guidelines for Restaurants, Cafes, and Coffee Shops
05/14/2020 06:18 PM
As per the following guidelines issued by the State of Louisiana, restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops must adhere to strict mitigation standards to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The general operating matrix will require spacing of individuals and small groups, limiting concentration of people, strict use of PPE, and frequent sanitizing. Higher risk individuals (as determined by CDC) should remain vigilant and should continue to shelter at home. The current specific requirements and guidelines for restaurants, cafes and coffee shops during this phase can be found at These requirements and guidelines supplement and do not replace any directives or guidance provided by other state agencies, boards and commissions, or other authorities having jurisdiction. Where conflicts occur, the stricter of the requirements will apply.
Parish President Gordon Dove is requesting that all residents practice a “Common Sense” approach to wearing a mask or face covering while out in the public. Please be considerate of others and wear a mask to protect people around you and to protect yourself from getting the coronavirus.
All employees of ALL businesses open to the public who interact with the public are REQUIRED wear masks inside of the business establishment.
All businesses should continue to have hand sanitizer available for customers entering your establishment.
As new guidelines for other businesses become available from the Governor’s office, they will be posted on the Parish’s websites for viewing.
See attachment below for additional guidelines for restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops during Phase 1.