First Confirmed Death of Coronavirus Patient in Terrebonne Parish
03/27/2020 01:19 PM
Terrebonne Parish has received confirmation from the La. Department of Health of its first death related to the coronavirus.
“On behalf of myself and the residents of Terrebonne Parish, I am saddened by this death and we send our prayers and condolences to the family and friends of the first resident of our parish to succumb to the coronavirus,” said Parish President Dove.
“I have been praying and continue to pray that we would not have any deaths related to this virus. This is why it is important for us to comply with the orders of Governor John Bel Edwards to stay at home and help prevent the spread of the virus,” said Dove.
The Parish maintains constant contact with Terrebonne General Medical Center and Chabert Medical Center on a daily basis to ensure that the needs of the community are satisfied.