President Dove Describes Parish Business Operations Beginning March 23, 2020
03/23/2020 10:38 AM
All current TPCG services are 100% operational, and the parish will continue to provide ALL services from all Government Buildings including Government Tower. Government buildings will be closed to the public only.
In an effort to provide a safe work environment, Government Tower was disinfected yesterday. Beginning today, March 23, Government Tower will be closed to the public. Security will be on hand to answer, via phone, any questions someone who comes to the building may have. The Government Tower drive thru lanes, located on Gabasse Street, will be open to the public to use to drop documents, applications, and utility payments Monday - Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Beginning Friday, March 26, 2020, Government Tower, including the drive thru lanes will be closed on Fridays only, until further notice, to all Parish employees and the public. This will allow Government Tower, and all other Government Buildings, including the Courthouse, to be disinfected on a weekly basis. The public is requested to utilize the utility drop box located in the drive thru area of the Gabasse Street parking lot on Fridays to drop off utility payments, documents, and applications.
The Terrebonne Parish switchboard will operate with normal business hours, Monday - Thursday. The Parish's answering service will receive calls on Friday during the closure of Government Tower and direct calls to the appropriate department. After hours calls and weekend calls will continue to be answered by the Parish's answering service.
Please note all TPCG services will be operating at 100%, as stated above. Please contact individual parish departments by phone if you have any questions or requests for Parish services.