TPCG Coronavirus Daily Update for March 22, 2020
03/22/2020 09:07 PM
From the Office of the Parish President Gordon Dove:
(all new information is marked with an asterisk * and bold)
*Number of Coronavirus Cases in Terrebonne Parish: 12 (Increase of 1 from March 21, 2020) (number of cases is from 9:30AM 3/22/20, LDH did not update site at 5:30PM)
* Beginning Monday, March 23, 2020, Terrebonne Parish President Gordon Dove is closing the Terrebonne Parish Government Tower to the public until further notice. The Government Tower drive thru lanes located on Gabasse Street will be open for public use to drop off documents, applications, and utility payments Monday thru Thursday from 8AM to 4:30PM. Beginning Friday, March 26, 2020, Government Tower, including the drive thru lanes will be closed on Fridays, until further notice, to all Parish employees and the public. This will allow for the Government Tower to be disinfected on a weekly basis. The public is requested to utilize the utility drop off box located in the drive thru area of the Gabasse Street parking lot on Fridays to drop off utility payments, documents, and applications.
The Terrebonne Parish switchboard will operate with normal business hours, Monday thru Thursday. The Parish’s answering service will receive calls on Friday during the closure of the Government Tower and direct calls to the appropriate department. After-hours calls and weekend calls will continue to be answered by the Parish’s answering service.
All Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government services will continue to be provided during this event.
* State of Louisiana: Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards issued a statewide Stay at Home order that goes into effect at 5 p.m. Monday, March 23, to further fight the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana, as the number of confirmed cases have topped 800 and spread to more than half of our parishes.
"In Louisiana we have taken aggressive measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve; however, this is not enough. As our number of cases continue to grow, I am directing all Louisianans to stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary for you to leave. I am implementing this measure to help prevent you from becoming infected or infecting someone else. People can leave their homes to do essential things like buying groceries or food, pick up medicine or go to work only if their job is essential. If you have to go out, make sure you practice social distancing measures and keep 6 feet between you and the people around you. People are encouraged to go outside and to stay active during this time, as long as they practice social distancing when they are around their neighbors,” Gov. Edwards said. “This order is not something I take lightly, but it is necessary to protect the health, safety and well-being of our people, our communities and our way of life."
The order is set to expire at the end of the night on Sunday, April 12. The Governor will re-evaluate the need for the statewide Stay at Home order and other mitigation measures currently in place to determine if they need to be extended beyond April 12.
The Governor previously ordered all K-12 public schools, casinos, bars movie theatres, gyms and fitness centers closed and restricted restaurants to take-out, drive-through and delivery orders only. He has also moved the state’s April 4 elections and limited crowd size.
For businesses, the new Stay at Home order has limits on the following:
- All places of public amusement, whether indoors or outdoors, including but not limited to, locations with amusement rides, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, trampoline parks, aquariums, zoos, museums, arcades, fairs, pool halls, children’s play centers, playgrounds, theme parks, any theaters, concert and music halls, adult entertainment venues, racetracks, and other similar businesses.
- All personal care and grooming businesses, including but not limited to, barber shops, beauty salons, nail salons, spas, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, and other similar businesses.
- All malls, except for stores in a mall that have a direct outdoor entrance and exit that provide essential services and products as provided by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) guidelines.
- Businesses closed to the public as listed in the order can conduct necessary activities such as payroll, cleaning services, maintenance or upkeep as necessary.
- Any business not covered by the guidance from the CISA discussed in Section 3 of the order and not ordered to temporarily close must reduce operations to continue with minimum contact with members of the public and essential employees, while requiring proper social distancing, adhering to the 10-person limitation on gathering size.
- Early learning centers and child care facilities adhering to the guidance issued by the Louisiana Department of Education and Office of Public Health may continue to operate.
Examples of Essential Worker Functions under the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) guidelines include:
- Healthcare workers and caregivers
- Mental health and Social Service workers
- Pharmacy employees
- Workers supporting groceries, pharmacies and other retail sales of food and beverage products
- Restaurant carryout and quick-serve food operations and food delivery employees
- Farm workers
- Electricity and Utility Industry Employees
- Critical Manufacturing Employees (medical supply chains, energy, transportation, food, chemicals)
- Petroleum, Natural and Propane Gas Workers
- Transportation and Logistics Workers
- Communications and Information Technology Employees
- Financial Services and Banking Industry Employees
See CISA essential business guidelines can be viewed at the following website:
Members of the public will still be allowed to go to grocery stores and pharmacies to pick up food, medicine and necessary supplies, go to their essential jobs and to go outside for exercise and fresh air. When leaving their home, people should practice social distancing.
32nd Judicial Court System Information: All 32nd Judicial Courts will close at 4:30PM, Friday, March 20, 2020 and reopen on April 13, 2020.
All juries for the 32nd Judicial Court System in Terrebonne Parish have been cancelled for the month of March. An update will be provided for juries in April.
Access to the 32nd Judicial Court System has been limited.
Terrebonne Parish Clerk of Court Information: The Terrebonne Parish Clerk of Court office hours beginning Monday, March 23, 2020 will be from 8:30AM to 12:30PM. Visitor restrictions are in place at the Clerk of Courts office. For more information call 985- 872-0466 or visit
Anyone needing mental health assistance can call the South Central Louisiana Human Health Services Crisis Assist Link Line (CALL) 24-hours a day. and speak to a licensed social worker at 877-500-9997. The Louisiana Department of Health has the “Keep Calm thru COVID” hotline open 24-hours of day and can be reached at 866-310-7977. All calls are confidential.
Small Business Assistance: The U. S. Small Business Administration has declared that all small businesses in Louisiana are eligible for COVID-19 business assistance. To get started immediately, visit SBA offers a three-step process for disaster loans at The Louisiana Economic Development is also offering COVID-19 Business Resources at, an online guide to assistance available for impacted businesses. Look for updates to the guide at
* Terrebonne Parish School District Feeding Program: The Terrebonne Parish School District will continue to provide free “Grab and Go” lunches during the "Stay at Home" order, from Monday through Friday from 11AM to 1PM . All Pre-K to 12th grade students (public and private school students) and any student with disabilities up to age 22, can receive a meal. Students must be present to be served a meal. No student ID is required.
Meals can be picked up at the closest Terrebonne Parish School District high school located to your home. For schools where it is safe, students may walk up to the school to receive a meal. Students arriving by a vehicle should remain in their vehicle.
- Ellender Memorial High School – Meal distribution will be in the front of the school /main entrance.
- H.L. Bourgeois High School – Meal distribution will be in the front parking lot/main entrance
- South Terrebonne High School – Meal distribution will be in the front of the school.
- Terrebonne High School – Meal distribution will be in the bus circle. Enter on St. Charles Street.
Terrebonne United Churches Food Bank Information: The Terrebonne Churches United Food Bank in Houma is open and distributing food to those in need. The food bank is open from 8:30AM to Noon on Monday and Saturday and from 12:30PM to 4PM on Wednesday. Service to the homeless is provided on Thursdays from 8:30AM to Noon. The TCU Food Bank office hours are from 8AM to 3PM, Monday thru Friday. For more information or assistance, please call the TCU Food Bank at 985-851-5523 or visit their website at
Terrebonne ARC (TARC) has closed ALL operations, including stores, as of 4:30 PM Wednesday March 18, 2020
Terrebonne Parish Government Information:
Trade and building permits can be applied for by using he Gabasse Street parking garage, Lane #4. You can also apply online at
The Good Earth Transit System will begin operating their fixed route service on the weekend/holiday schedule, seven days a week until further notice effective Friday, March 20, 2020. The City of Thibodaux will begin its first route from NSU at 8:06AM and the last route will be at 4:06PM. Good Earth Transit office hours will remain from 8AM to 5PM. Please call Good Earth Transit at 985-850-4616 for further information or questions.
All Terrebonne Parish departments and facilities are limiting visitor access. Terrebonne Parish Government Tower is closed to all visitors. Citizens are advised to use online services at or call the particular department you need to access. Citizens needing to make utility payments or drop off other items and document are asked to please use the drive-thru lanes on Gabasse Street parking lot. Before visiting any Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government facility, please call to confirm visitation requirements.
The Terrebonne Wildlife Museum and Folklife Museum are closed until further notice.
Terrebonne Parish commodity distribution by the Terrebonne Parish Housing and Human Services Department have been cancelled for this week.
- All Terrebonne Parish sponsored events have been cancelled that may exceed 50 people
- All Terrebonne Parish Recreation (TPR) events have been postponed until further notice
- The Live after 5 event scheduled for Downtown Houma in March has been cancelled.
- Access to the 32nd Judicial Court System has been limited.
All Terrebonne Parish Government Offices Remain Open with Normal Business Hours but with limited public visitation.
Terrebonne Parish Council Information: The Terrebonne Parish Council will NOT hold committee meetings on Monday, March 23, 2020. All significant items are being placed on the Regular Council meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. The Parish Council has put into place specific protocol for their meetings due to COVID-19. Please visit the Parish’s website at for additional information regarding attendance and viewing of the council meeting. You may call the Parish Council office at 985-873-6519 for more information.
* City Court of Houma Information: Per the Louisiana Supreme Court’s order, City Court of Houma has suspended all civil trials, hearings and court appearances through April 13, 2020. Civil filings are still allowed inside the
courthouse; however access to the hallway will be limited to four people. All Juvenile and Adult Criminal matters are still being heard; but the number of individuals allowed in the courtroom is limited to ten. Everyone else must wait outside the courthouse and wait to be called inside for their hearing. Payments for traffic tickets, fines, etc. are still allowed inside the courthouse; however access to the hallway will be limited to four people. People are encouraged to go to to see if they can pay their traffic ticket online.
Registrar of Voters Information: The Terrebonne Parish Registrar of Voters office will close effective at 8AM, Friday, March 20, 2020 until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Registrar of Voters gray mailbox can be used to drop off paperwork and blank voter registration forms will be on a clipboard on top of the gray mailbox. Filled voter registration forms can be placed in the gray mailbox. Citizens can register to vote online at or The Registrar of Voters can be reached via email at
La. Workforce Commission, Office of Worker’s Compensation Information: The La. Workforce Commission Office of Worker’s Compensation Office located in Government Towers will remain open but with visitation restrictions. All persons needing access to the Worker’s Compensation office should speak to the security guards located on the first floor of the Government Tower’s Gabasse Street location and the security guards will contact the Worker’s Compensation office for someone to come meet you in the lobby of Government Towers. Citizens can call the Worker’s Compensation office at 985-857-3775 for assistance.
Governor John Bel Edwards, through Executive Order JBE 2020-30 has required that all gatherings of 50 people or more shall be postponed or cancelled. He has also required all casinos, video poker establishments, movie theaters, bars, bowling alleys and fitness centers and gyms, statewide, to cease operations completely. All restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops, statewide, shall cease allowing for any on premises consumption of food and beverages, but may continue, take out, drive-thru and delivery services, and in no circumstance shall food or beverages purchased be consumed on premises. These provisions set by the Governor shall remain in place beginning on March 17, 2020 until April 12, 2020 unless terminated earlier.
La. Workforce Commission, Unemployment Information: Residents needing information regarding unemployment compensation should contact the Louisiana Workforce Commission at 876-8990, 800-351-4378, 866-783-5567 or visit the local office at 807 Barrow Street (Town Hall Building) in Houma.
Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 – Terrebonne Parish Information: Effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the office lobby at 8814 Main Street will be closed to the general public. Drive-thru windows will be open normal hours, 8AM to 5PM Monday thru Friday, for paying your water bill or conducting other business. You may contact the office at 986-8792495 or via their website at Please follow their Facebook page for up to date information.
Terrebonne Parish Library Information: Beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the library system will provide curbside/front door delivery only. The main library, East Houma, and North Terrebonne Branches will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
The bayou branches will be open Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
All fines will be waived while the library facilities are closed.
Library programs and meeting room bookings are cancelled for the month. Library facilities will be closed to the public until this Sunday. We will assess the situation on Friday in regard to next week.
We are encouraging library patron to focus on the many digital services available on the library's website. Please contact the main library at 985-876-5158 or visit the Terrebonne Parish Library’s website at
Terrebonne Council on Aging (TCOA) Information: The Terrebonne Council on Aging (TCOA) has implemented the following measures:
- All local senior centers and lunch centers have been closed until further notice.
- All home visits by TCOA have been cancelled.
- Senior citizens who receive home delivered meals will continue to receive home delivered meals and all senior citizens who utilized the senior centers and lunch centers for meals and are in need of meals will be added to the home delivery list to receive meals.
- All senior center and lunch center managers will begin check-up calls tomorrow to registered senior citizens every other day.
- All information and assistance request will be conducted via telephone. If a senior citizen needs information or assistance, they should call the Council on Aging office at 985-868-8411.
- All assessments for senior citizens will be conducted by telephone.
- No changes to the Council on Aging transportation system have been implemented at this time.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses you should do the following:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Cover your mouth or nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough and sneeze into your upper arm, not your hands.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces with regular household cleaning sprays or wipes.
- Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Stay home from work or school if you are sick
For the most updated information regarding COVID-19, residents can do the following:
- Dial 211 and ask a question
- Text LACOVID to 898-211
- Visit