Terrebonne Parish Reports a Second Presumptive Case of COVID-19
03/15/2020 06:00 PM
Houma, LA - Today, the Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness received confirmation from the Louisiana Department of Health that a second Terrebonne Parish resident tested presumptive positive for COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. Parish President Gordon Dove remains in constant communication with the Governor’s office as information and procedures regarding COVID-19 are changing on a daily basis.
Parish President Gordon Dove has implemented the following actions in Terrebonne Parish:
- Cancelled all Parish sponsored events that may exceed the gathering of 250 people;
- All Terrebonne Parish Recreation (TPR) events have been postponed until further notice;
- Limiting access to the 32nd Judicial Court System
- All Parish employees have been issues hand sanitizers and all Parish vehicles have been issued spray disinfectants and disinfectant wipes.
- All Parish street sweepers are now dispensing disinfectant during street cleanings.
All Terrebonne Parish government offices remain open with normal business hours.
As the number of COVID-19 cases increase in Terrebonne Parish, all parish residents need to take the necessary actions to help reduce the spread of this virus. Our elderly and those with chronic health conditions are the most vulnerable, but each resident should take personal responsibility to help prevent the spread of this virus within our community.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses you should do the following:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Cover your mouth or nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough and sneeze into your upper arm, not your hands.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces with regular household cleaning sprays or wipes.
- Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Stay home from work or school if you are sick.
For the most updated information regarding COVID-19, residents can do the following:
- Dial 211 and ask a question
- Text LACOVID to 898-211
- Visit LA211help.org