Irish-Italian Parade Scheduled for Sunday, March 22 Has Been Cancelled
03/11/2020 11:26 AM
Parish President Gordon Dove, along with Houma Police Chief Dana Coleman, Sheriff Jerry Larpenter, Sheriff-Elect Tim Soignet, Director of Terrebonne Parish Homeland Security Earl Eues, and Director of Public Safety Steve Ponville, with the notifications to the officials of the Irish-Italian Club, have all decided that to be cautious with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic throughout the United States, and with cases as close as New Orleans and Jefferson Parish, the Irish-Italian Parade scheduled for Sunday, March 22, 2020, will be cancelled.
As much as it is hated to cancel any traditional events such as this, it has been decided to err on the side of caution for the health and safety of the residents of Terrebonne Parish.