TS Barry - Parish Emergency Ops Team Monitoring Storm; Parish Under Hurricane Warning
07/11/2019 06:00 PM
Terrebonne Parish President Gordon Dove said that residents should be assured that all conditions in the parish related to the approach of T.S. Barry are being carefully monitored by the parish emergency operations team. He also pointed out that Terrebonne Parish is now under a Hurricane Warning, meaning that hurricane force winds are expected to hit the parish within the next 36 hours. “With the approach of this storm,” he said, “residents should make sure the ditches along their streets are clean and free of debris and catch basins are not blocked. Residents should also secure loose outdoor furniture so that they do not become flying hazards.” He said that if residents notice drainage issues or problems, they should call the EOC at (985) 873-6357 and report the condition. The EOC will be operational throughout the night.
Mr. Dove reiterated his previous statement saying that Terrebonne Parish is as prepared for this storm as possible at this time. “We will continue to monitor conditions in the parish for the duration of the storm and respond as quickly as possible to meet any challenges, inform the public of developments which impact the parish, and provide critical information necessary to ensure public safety.” He urged residents to check the parish and OEP websites, parish Facebook page and Twitter for updates.