TS Barry - Parish Pres. Announces Operation of EOC Center and Additional Storm Updates
07/11/2019 05:53 PM
Terrebonne Parish President Gordon Dove has announced the full operation and staffing of the parish Emergency Operations Center in Gray, LA, effective at 6:00 AM on Thursday, July 11, 2019. In a meeting yesterday with Emergency Support Function Managers, he reviewed all the precautionary steps that have been taken in the parish, some in conjunction with the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District. “In advance impacts of T.S. Barry on Terrebonne Parish,” he said, “all flood gates in the parish have been closed, although the floodgate on the Houma Navigation Canal will be closed later today due to the Coast Guard requirement for a 24-hour notice to mariners.”
He also said that 193 pump stations throughout the parish are fully operational and monitored, either through telemetry or SCADA systems. Most of these pump stations are backed up with diesel engines and can be started remotely in case of loss of electric power. Drainage basins in the parish have been pumped down for additional storage capacity if the parish experiences very heavy rains of a short duration such as an hour.
The Parish President will be calling for voluntary evacuation of all areas of the parish outside of the Morganza hurricane levee and in all Zone 1 areas of the parish. This voluntary evacuation will be called tomorrow, Friday, July 12, 2019 at 7:00 AM. The parish evacuation zone map can be viewed on the parish website.
To accommodate parish residents who evacuate and need shelter, Houma Municipal Auditorium, 880 Verret Street, will open at 7:00 AM on Friday, July 12, as a shelter. Evacuees will be required to bring food and water, bedding, medicines, and baby formula and supplies to last at least 3 days. Household pets with shelter evacuees will be accommodated by parish Animal Shelter personnel. For rides to the shelter, please call (985) 873-6357.
“Terrebonne Parish is as prepared for this storm as we can be at this time,” he said. “We will continue to monitor the situation throughout the day, and inform the public of developments which impact the parish and provide critical information necessary to ensure public safety.” Please check the parish and OEP websites, parish Facebook page and Twitter for updates.